Nine Networking Tips

27 Apr 2017

Developing and using a great resume is one key to persuading an employer to contact you for an interview. But a great cover letter and resume alone might not bring you an interview. You’ll also want to gain advocates at the company where you wish to work. An employee referral can make all the difference, and usually does. Your superior reputation or brand is worth more than any resume, even the best. 

U.S. Department of Labor statistics underscore the importance of networking for job seekers. The department estimates that up to 80 percent of positions are filled without employer advertising. If you are relying on job postings as your primary job search strategy, you’re only seeing about 20 percent of what’s out there.

Chances are you have found out about a job opening and even obtained a new job through someone you know. And if you have, then you used networking to find employment.

Continue to full article to get advice to help you build or expand your network.

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