2020 Governor's Cups

31 Mar 2021


It’s déjà vu all over again. Only the project numbers are different where Ohio and Texas — the 2020 Governor’s Cup winning states for per capita and total projects respectively — are concerned. They’re down a bit from the previous year, but impressive nonetheless for a year all states endured a pandemic-induced economic crunch. Both states were the winner in their category last year as well. Ohio finishes the per capita facilities race with 419, down from 448 in 2019. Texas, the total projects winner for the ninth consecutive year, has 781 projects for 2020; it had 859 qualifying projects the previous year.

Per capita runners-up include Georgia with 360 projects, Kentucky (152), Nebraska (59), and Indiana (189). Total projects runners-up for 2020 are Ohio, Georgia, Illinois (329), and North Carolina (194). Qualifying projects are those meeting one or more of Site Selection’s criteria for inclusion in the Conway Projects Database: a minimum investment of $1 million, creation of 20 or more new jobs, or 20,000 sq. ft. or more of new space.

Both Ohio and Texas have diverse economies, as do the other high-ranking states, so that was a factor in their capital investment success. All states benefited from a strong national economy heading into 2020 — until COVID-19 slammed the brakes on their momentum. Economic development agendas turned to business recovery and assistance, and suddenly governors were seen leading daily pandemic updates and determining to what extent they would remain open for business. Governors Mike DeWine of Ohio and Greg Abbott of Texas shared their takes on managing those challenges while continuing in their roles as chief economic developer for their state in interviews with Site Selection in recent weeks.

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